After leaving Taormina, we drive to Savoca, Sicily, the town of “The Godfather” fame. Savoca is the village standing in for the village of Corleone in the film. This is where Michael Corleone becomes love-struck with Apollonia Vitelli in the movie.
While in Savoca we can explore the sites that were used in the movie.
Savoca is claimed to be one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, whose name is derived from the plant of the elder (savucu in Sicilian), a shrub with white and fragrant flowers that still grows wild in the cracks between houses. This flower is represented in the medieval coat of arms of the village.
Savoca, a small town set in the rock of a hill of dual tips, has experienced the interest of kings, popes, and Archimandrite prelates, in a succession of periods of serious crisis and prosperity.
If you choose to sit on the patio at the Bar Vitelli while in Savoca for a glass of wine or a bite to eat, you’ll surely identify with your personal feelings of love and heart.
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